
More Stories in Humans

  1. Health & Medicine

    Doctors found a snake parasite in a woman’s brain — still alive

    This worm typically infects pythons. Though this is its first known infection in humans, other types of worms also can infect the human brain.

  2. Psychology

    This scientist knows how to frighten you

    Margee Kerr studies how and why people seek out frightening situations. She aims to use fear to help people lead happier and more empowered lives.

  3. Brain

    ‘Lucid’ dreamers could solve mysteries about sleeping minds

    People who know they’re asleep while dreaming could help study how sleeping minds create elaborate alternate realities.

  4. Tech

    New tech 3-D prints ouchless COVID-19 vaccine patches

    A new compact 3-D printer can produce COVID-19 vaccine patches. These are less painful than the jab and can be stored more easily than liquid vaccines.

  5. Archaeology

    Ötzi the Iceman’s DNA reveals his looks and ancestry

    A reanalysis of the ancient guy’s genes shows he was balding and had dark skin. He also had an unusual amount of early farmer ancestry.

  6. Space

    Four researchers on Earth are spending a year on ‘Mars’

    A crew of four entered Mars Dune Alpha in Houston, Texas. They will remain isolated inside for a year, living and working as if on the Red Planet.

  7. Health & Medicine

    RNA work that led to COVID-19 vaccines wins 2023 Nobel in medicine

    Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman overcame hurdles to using mRNA for medicine. This led to COVID vaccines — and maybe, one day, some for other infections.

  8. Psychology

    Spending time in green spaces can provide big health benefits

    Walking through a park or playing in a yard can make you feel better, both mentally and physically. Here’s how — and evidence it works for people at any age.

  9. Archaeology

    Let’s learn about Stonehenge

    Questions remain about exactly who built Stonehenge and why. But some details are known about the site’s origins.
