All Stories

  1. Tech

    Offshore wind farms could do far more than just make clean power

    Offshore wind farms cost more than onshore ones. But their ability to make ‘green’ hydrogen and capture carbon dioxide could help this wind power pay off.

  2. Life

    Has the Endangered Species Act saved species from extinction?

    After 50 years, this landmark law has kept many species alive — but few wild populations have recovered enough to come off the “endangered” list.

  3. Brain

    Brain scans hint at how well teens will manage pandemic stress

    A study that followed hundreds of teens during the COVID-19 pandemic now suggests why some of them handled long-term stress better than others.

  4. Tech

    Let’s learn about flying drones for science

    Airborne robots help researchers keep tabs on wildlife, agriculture and more.

  5. Planets

    Jupiter has a never-before-seen jet stream — and it’s speedy

    Spotted in images from the James Webb telescope, the high-altitude current may help untangle the workings of the giant planet’s atmosphere.

  6. Physics

    Scientists Say: Muon

    Tracking muons raining down on Earth can reveal new details of pyramids, volcanoes and thunderstorms.

  7. Environment

    New ultrathin materials can pull climate-warming CO2 from the air

    To slow global warming, we’ll need help from CO2-trapping materials. Enter MXenes. They’re strong and reactive — and they love to eat up CO2.

  8. Ecosystems

    Restoring giant underwater forests, one blade at a time

    Giant kelp are at risk due to climate change and human activities. In New Zealand, a community effort is rebuilding these underwater algal forests.

  9. Space

    Black holes and activism inspire this astrophysicist

    Mallory Molina is looking for supermassive black holes — and helping others find their place in the field of astronomy.

  10. Physics

    Heat makes water evaporate. Now it appears light can, too

     In the lab, shining light on water made it evaporate faster. This never-before-seen effect, if real, might be happening naturally all around us.

  11. Oceans

    Shading corals during midday heat can limit bleaching

    Shading coral reefs during the sunniest part of the day may help corals survive marine heat waves.

  12. Animals

    Scientists Say: Camouflage

    Plants and animals alike hide in plain sight using this sneaky strategy.
