Questions for ‘Prevention programs can help reduce teen dating violence’

Not all love stories are happy ones. Different forms of teen dating violence affect between one-eighth and one-third of U.S. teens, data show.

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To accompany ‘Prevention programs can help reduce teen dating violence


Before Reading:

  1. When you hear the term “teen dating violence,” what does that bring to mind? What abusive behaviors do you think might be included?
  2. If you suspect that a friend might be in an abusive romantic relationship, what are two things you might do to try and help them?

During Reading:

  1. How did Erika Kura’s relationship change over time? What are three things Kura’s abuser did that hurt her?
  2. How common are physical and sexual violence among dating teens in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? How common are they among young women globally, according to the World Health Organization?
  3. What are three examples of physical dating violence? What are three examples of sexual violence?
  4. What are three types of dating violence that can occur with no physical contact?
  5. According to the story, what has Chuka Emezue learned about gender and dating violence, in terms of both frequency and types of violence?
  6. Describe at least five risks someone may face after experiencing teen dating violence.
  7. How did Laura Voith study factors that can help programs work better to reduce or prevent teen dating violence?
  8. Voith’s research turned up what four ways that successful programs help teens avoid dating violence?
  9. Research by Antonio Piolanti and Heather Foran found that programs to reduce adolescent dating violence were most effective when aimed at what groups of teens?
  10. How can gender affect a teen’s ability to get help for dating violence, based on Emezue’s research?

After Reading:

  1. Imagine you are asked to design a program at your school aimed at preventing teen dating violence. Describe three topics you think would be most important to include. Explain why you find them most important.
  2. Do you think your school should require all students to take a dating-violence-prevention program? Why or why not?
  3. If you were going to take a program to learn from trained individuals about dating violence, would you rather it be led by adults or by your peers? Explain your choice.